Children’s Day is one of the children’s favorite holidays. In order to let Xuansn parents and children spend a happy holiday, on June 1, 2024, Dongguan Xuansn Electronics Co., Ltd. jointly with Chang’an Town New Era Civilization Practice Center, Chang’an Town Working Committee, Chang’an Town Library, and Chang’an Town Anti-drug Office launched the “Happy Growth, Shared Children’s Day”Xuansn parent-child activities.

Xuansn parent-child activities

“Xuansn has always regarded the happiness of employees as the company’s highest goal, and the vision of all employees living and working in peace and contentment. I hope that Xuansn’s family members can eat well, live well, and be healthy!” The event kicked off with Chairman Hou’s speech, and about 75 pairs of parents and children participated in this event.
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There are six game booths in this Children’s Day event. Each game booth requires parents and children to help each other to pass the level and get a stamp. After collecting six stamps, you can exchange them for a beautiful small gift.

Xuansn parent-child activities-Animal nose sticking game

Blindfold the child’s eyes, turn three circles in place, and the parents use language to command the child to stick the nose to the exact position of the animal to succeed

Xuansn parent-child activities

Parent-child activity of bowling

The children push the basketball at the designated starting point to knock down the “bowling ball” at the end horizontally. Knocking down more than four at a time is considered a success.

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Xuansn parent-child activities: Trolley

The child puts his hands on the ground, and the parent lifts the child’s feet with both hands and crawls forward 10 meters.

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 Parent-Child Activitys: Dice Game

The child bites the popsicle, and the parent stacks dice on the popsicle

Xuansn parent-child activities

Xuansn Parent-Child Activities: Big Turntable

The child turns the turntable, and the pointer stops and the question at the corresponding position is answered correctly. The correct answer is considered a success

Xuansn parent-child activities

Parent-Child Activitys: Knowledge Charging

Learn picture book reading, experience code scanning reading and movable type printing

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Xuansn Parent-Child interaction

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Parent-Child Activity Redemption Prize

Xuansn parent-child activitiesXuansn CapacitorXuansn Capacitor

Happy time is always fleeting, the children have gained a lot of joy and rich gifts, and this June 1st parent-child activity ended successfully in warmth and reluctance.This activity not only allows the children to spend an unforgettable holiday, but also allows the children to truly feel the love and warmth of the family. Thanks to the Chang’an Town New Era Civilization Practice Center, the Town Working Committee, the Town Library, and the Anti-Drug Office for their strong support for the event, which brought us rich extracurricular knowledge and exquisite gifts.Xuansn parent-child activitiesXuansn parent-child activities


“Growing up happily and sharing Children’s Day” Xuansn parent-child activities is not only a good opportunity for parent-child interaction, but also a sublimation of family emotions. Through a series of interesting games, children learn in happiness, grow in games, and spend a fulfilling and meaningful holiday. I look forward to more such activities in the future to create more beautiful memories for children.For more information about Xuansn Electronics, please click: